WFCP: World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics
TDA is a member of WFCP.
“The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) is an international network of colleges, further education institutes and polytechnics, and national and regional associations of colleges. It is the united voice of post-secondary applied education institutions across the globe.
The WFCP provides leadership in delivering workforce education for our global economy. It shares leading edge education strategies and best practice institute leadership to increase workforce education around the globe. It influences global technical and vocational education and training (TVET) policy, and profiles and promotes innovative programs of its members to stakeholders internationally.
The Federation aims to be a resource for member institutions to meet their strategic national and international objectives. It does this through an international congress held every two years which facilitates the sharing of the latest in applied education research. A series of international affinity groups (communities of practice) actively address a range of TVET topics and challenges. The WFCP is also a strong advocate for joint initiatives among international partners.
Members of WFCP cover all continents with active membership from African countries, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, New Zealand, Spain, UK and the US.”