National Nursing and Midwifery Education Advisory Network (NNMEAN)

National Nursing and Midwifery Education Advisory Network

The National Nursing and Midwifery Education Advisory Network (NNMEAN) was established following agreement by Health Ministers in 2015. 

The role of the NNMEAN is to provide high level strategic advice to Health Ministers utilising an evidence based approach to the planning and coordination of education, employment and immigration for nurses and midwives in Australia. This includes Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Registered Nurses (RNs), Enrolled Nurses (ENs) and Midwives.

TDA is pleased the vocational education and training sector representative on the NNMEAN is a colleague of TAFE and a well-respected member of the health profession in Australia, Ms Carole Little whom may be contacted at

Carole Little

Executive Director - AMEP, Access, Community & Health

South Metropolitan TAFE

About Carole

Carole has been a registered nurse for 28 years having worked across several health areas in both the United Kingdom and Australia.  Carole has worked for the Vocational and Training Sector for ten years, having commenced as a lecturer on the Diploma of Nursing and subsequently moving into a management role with training services.

As Executive Director, Carole has responsibility for six portfolio areas, including community services, children’s services, science and the environment, foundations skills, health, nursing, vet nursing and animal studies and Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).  Her key focus areas are building and maintaining strong relationships with industry and community partners. I believe in being a collaborative, positive and proactive leader, who can drive change to support the future of the nursing profession.

My personal drive, professionalism and integrity have been recognised by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC), the peak registering body which has invited me onto accreditation teams across Australia over the past five years.

I see my role on the NNMEAN to be very important in having a voice for the VET sector for nurses, communicating effectively with my TAFE colleagues and the members of the NNMEAN. I will also use my initiative, professional expertise and negotiation skills in order to help drive change and improve nursing education in Australia. I believe with my good listening skills, strategic networking and proactive leadership skills that I am well placed to be a member of the NNMEAN to represent the nurses and midwives in Australia and the TAFE sector.

Carole holds a Registered Nurse, Bachelor of Science (Hons) Health Studies, Graduate Diploma in Sexual Health, and a Masters in Education.

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