Partnerships and Projects
Collaboration with Taiwanese Workforce Development Agency
TDA has been working with the Taiwanese Government’s Workforce Development Agency in the Ministry of Labor since 2013 on supporting the development of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) capacity.

Australian experts supported the strengthening of the Bhutanese TVET sector through a variety of capacity building and curriculum development activities in 2021 and 2022.
As part of the Australian Government funded Australia Bhutan TVET Sector Reform Project, TAFE Queensland and Melbourne Polytechnic built the capacity of 75 Bhutanese trainers, public servants and industry representatives graduating in competency-based training and assessment and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). The TAFE experts also provided support to the Bhutanese Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (MOLHR) develop curriculum in tourism and hospitality and OHS and review the country`s assessment practices in TVET.
The project led to 75 Bhutanese trainers, public servants and industry representatives graduating from train the trainer, OHS and Competency Based Assessment training programs in February 2022 and Australian experts supporting the MOLHR in curriculum review and development in Tourism and Hospitality and OHS for Building and Construction courses.
Strengthening teacher quality
In 2020 and early 2021, TDA implemented, in partnership with PwC Georgia, the World Bank funded project Strengthening Teacher Quality in VET in Georgia. TDA and Australian TAFE experts were involved in supporting the development of:
- Teacher performance evaluation concepts, methodology and tools in relation to teacher performance evaluation;
- Student assessment methodology and tools; and
- A training program for school principals, and conducting training of trainers with the Georgian Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports.
The project concluded in 2021.
Latin America
Brazil, Chile, Peru – Enhancing trainer professional skills in an applied learning context
TDA organised a series of eight online webinars funded by the Council of Australia and Latin American Relations (COALAR) and aimed at showcasing Australia`s capabilities in relation to industry engagement and capacity development of trainers.
The webinar series focused on two priority sectors: tourism and hospitality and agriculture and was delivered in partnership with William Angliss Institute and SuniTAFE in Australia and, in Latin America, in collaboration with the State Government of Bahia in Brazil, Fundacion Chile and ProCitrus, the Association of Peruvian Citrus Growers.
Eight webinars were held between March and May 2021 and involved public and private TVET providers, federal and state government representatives and industry associations.
From August to December 2021, TDA implemented the Australian Government funded project “Digital Transformation of TVET in Vietnam”, in partnership with the Australian Embassy in Hanoi and the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) at the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.
The aim of the project was to create links between Australian and Vietnamese colleges and support Vietnam’s TVET sector to use digital delivery tools to successfully meet some of the challenges posed by COVID-19.
The project consisted of two components:
- A seven-part webinar series, during which TAFEs and dual sector universities shared with Vietnamese TVET providers and policy makers their experience of transitioning to online/blended learning;
- An innovative partnership illustrating collaboration opportunities in the online delivery or digital transformation space between an Australian and a Vietnamese TVET provider.
Webinar participants included DVET representatives and 44 Vietnamese TVET Colleges, with an average 220 participants attending each webinar session.
TAFEs engaging with Vietnam on TVET policy