Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council Board (ANMAC)

The Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) helps protect the health and safety of the Australian Community through its appointment, by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, as the independent accrediting authority for nursing and midwifery education under Australia’s National Registration and Accreditation Scheme.

ANMAC is also the skills assessing authority for nurses and midwives seeking to migrate under the Australia Government’s General Skills Migration program.

TDA is pleased the vocational education expert Director on the ANMAC Board is a colleague of TAFE and a well-respected member of the health profession in Australia, Ms Debbie Blow whom may be contacted at



Director of Faculty CSH&N, Executive Leader Health & Nursing, TAFE QLD

About Debbie

Debbie Blow has gained extensive knowledge and experience through working in the health sector for over 30 years.  Over this time, Debbie has worked in aged care before becoming an Enrolled Nurse and then a Registered Nurse.  Debbie has worked in a diverse range of areas including aged care, surgical, emergency, peri-operative, and critical care in public, private, and rural / remote settings prior to transitioning into the university and then the VET sector.

Debbie has been a Director on the Board of the Gold Coast Primary Health Network and on Queensland’s Health and Community Services Workforce Council.  Debbie has also represented TAFE Directors Australia in Commonwealth appointed expert advisory groups in the health, aged care, and nursing sector.

Debbie’s current role is as a Director of Faculty CSH&N and Executive Leader Health & Nursing for TAFE Queensland.  Her expertise and focus continues to be on supporting organisations to ‘grow their own workforce’.  Debbie also holds roles on national committees such as the strategic ANMAC Accreditation Committee and the Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Reference Group.  Debbie is also now a Director on the ANMAC Board.  

Debbie holds RN BN Grad Dip Crit Care Grad Dip FET GAICD.