Fee-Free TAFE – success story collection

Fee-Free TAFE - success story collection

Through the Fee-Free TAFE Skills Agreement (formerly known as the 12-Month Skills Agreement), the Commonwealth Government has partnered with states and territories to deliver over $1.5 billion funding for 500,000 Fee-Free TAFE and vocational education and training (VET) places across Australia over 2023 to 2026. More information on this agreement can be viewed on the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website.

With this story collection TDA aims to celebrate the successful implementation of the Fee-Free TAFE program by TDA members and the positive impact on individuals and priority groups benefiting from this initiative. Explore these inspiring stories below and see how Fee-Free TAFE is transforming lives and communities across Australia.

Fee Free TAFE students build new careers

Two young Tasmanians have turned a Fee Free TAFE course into a new career.

Max Blazely and Michael Matanofov both studied a Certificate II in Engineering Pathways at TasTAFE’s Alanvale Campus and excelled at the course. As a result of their success in the course, they both quickly earned apprenticeships in the metals industry.

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