Message from Margie Fixter, Executive Director, Quality, Teaching and Learning, TAFE SA
Margie Fixter has been with TAFE SA since October 2018 bringing enthusiasm and a strong track record in strategic leadership in vocational educational delivery and industry services. Most of her career has been with TAFEs, holding senior positions at GOTAFE in Victoria and with TAFE NSW.
Her message rings true for the many TAFEs around Australia.
Well, what a month it has been! We have seen a transformation of the way TAFE SA delivers learning to our students at a pace that has been far greater than any of us could have predicted. The willingness of lecturers to undertake upskilling so that they can continue to lead their students through learning has been phenomenal! And the resultant redesigned delivery approaches, be they high end online, or more pragmatic remote delivery using print and phone, will ensure that our students can continue with their studies.
Rich conversations about pedagogy, hard decisions about approaches to keeping our staff and students safe, authoritative advice where it is needed, and collaboration across work groups have all occurred at pace and with good will.
Our way of operating has changed forever, and we are now different people with new skills and experiences than we were a month ago. Our challenge remains to keep expanding the new ways of teaching and learning at TAFE SA. It has been so gratifying that our Quality Framework and Teaching and Learning Strategy remain active and are guiding us through to ensure the maintenance of compliance with the Standards for RTO’s and alignment with TAFE SA’s strategic plan.
My sincere thanks to you all for being brave, and for hanging in there.
May 2020