There’s no time like the present to think about your career: National Careers Week 18-24 May 2020
COVID-19 has impacted on lives and livelihoods in a way that we could never have imagined just a few short months ago. National Careers Week is a timely reminder of the importance of careers and career development. Career development is a process of managing learning, work and leisure to progress through life. It includes gaining and using the skills and knowledge needed to plan and make informed decisions about education, training, and work. Ultimately, career development is about much more than jobs – it is about how to live your life.
Some of the objectives of National Skills Week include raising aspirations, challenging stereotypes, and broadening horizons about careers; highlighting the need for ongoing reskilling and upskilling to support careers throughout life; and identifying the changing nature of work and its impact on all Australians. If anything, COVID-19 has sharpened the focus on all of these objectives.
As COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease around the country and Australia takes its first tentative steps towards economic recovery, skilled workers will be in high demand. Vocational education and training (VET) will be vitally important to Australians as they consider their current and future career prospects.
TAFEs as public institutions have been an anchor during the COVID-19 response. TDA CEO Craig Robertson notes that “as institutes with a comprehensive range of post-school education offerings, student and business-focused support services and staff committed to the community, TAFEs are the place to build careers, whether starting or refreshing”.
“TAFEs across Australia are committed to vocational education for citizens, community and industry, and they will be the backbone of a coherent and compassionate career support system for many Australians during the recovery and beyond”.
Many TAFEs have specialised skills and jobs centres which are an excellent place to start for current and prospective students, job seekers and employers. These centres can assist with choosing TAFE training courses, choosing or changing your career, finding and applying for a job, doing apprenticeships or traineeships, getting financial support and getting credit for your skills and any past study.
For further information, you can read TDA CEO Craig Robertson’s commentary on kickstarting your career at TAFE here.
National Careers Week runs from 18 to 24 May and the many online events including national webinars which are taking place can be viewed here.