Quality, Regulation and Compliance (QRC)

TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) convened the TAFE Policy Network on Quality, Regulation and Compliance (QRC) following the TDA Convention 2019, The Power of TAFE, which sought to strengthen the way TAFEs and TAFE divisions of dual sector universities work together.

The collective expertise within this national network provides a powerful source of input into TDA’s broader public policy and advocacy platform on issues related to quality, regulation and compliance. Members share information, analysis and experiences to position Australian TAFEs as the benchmark for quality in vocational education and training both domestically and internationally.

The QRC network aims to improve the quality and relevance of TAFE programs by establishing and maintaining genuine supportive regulatory conversations; and pursuing regulation reform which supports excellence and innovation. QRC members work with and encourage Australian tertiary education regulators and policy departments to maintain an effective, efficient, regulated tertiary education sector through continuous improvement and recognition of quality practices.

Current priorities of the QRC include:

  • minimising the complexity, cost and impact on students of training package transitions
  • advocating through industry partners for high quality training products
  • promoting best practice assessment within vocational education and training
  • cultivating excellence through self-assurance and continuous improvement processes and systems
  • sharing training product and assessment resources and expertise
  • reducing duplication of effort across the network in responding to these issues.

This network generates significant benefits for TDA, its members and the VET sector more broadly by working intensively together to resolve some of the current issues and challenges faced by RTOs.

The QRC’s terms of reference are available here.

Click here to view TAFE NSW’s Education Quality Framework and Self-Assurance model.

The QRC network is chaired by TAFE Queensland with TasTAFE as the Deputy Chair. The QRC network has representation from all states and territories.

For enquiries regarding the QRC network, please contact memberservices@tda.edu.au